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Two step round the Christmas TreeDavid Dabbs48INTERMEDIATEWestern Partner DanceTwo-StepDec 202409/12/24VIEW
Christmas is in the airDavid Dabbs32BEGINNER+Western Partner DanceDec 202428/11/24VIEW
Jealous of the SunDavid Dabbs64INTERMEDIATEWestern Partner DanceCha ChaNov 202416/11/24VIEW
Excuse Me CowboyBrian & Julie Minns32BEGINNERCountry Partner DanceNov 202414/11/24VIEW
Bigger HousesBrian & Julie Minns64INTERMEDIATEWestern Partner DanceNov 202414/11/24VIEW
All but 22Bill Goodlad32BEGINNERWestern Partner DanceOct 202407/11/24VIEW

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